Prana is the vital force of life energy, and pranayama is the practice to extend this force. This online pranayama teacher training not only aims at sharing the guideline of leading people to extend their prana but also to create the experience of such an extension in teacher candidates’ lives. Pranayama, being the fourth of the eight limbs of yoga, actively connects the body and the mind in every breath. By leading the breath, which you perform as long as your body is alive, you can lead your mind. Your breath always accompanies your reactions and feelings. Pranayama or breathing exercises help control your reactions, feelings, and make your mind calm so that you can hear your own real voice, telling about who you really are. Pranayama is also very beneficial for your health as various breathing techniques improve your body functions improving the respiratory system, immune system, and more. Regular breathing exercises give you a balanced mind, and also a healthy body.