You can stay for a duration of 3 days, depending on your personal circumstances. Before committing to our program, let us offer you a bit of background to stress and depression, to help you understand what you are dealing with. Ayurveda realises that stress, also known as sahas, is the root cause of many diseases. The modern allopathic (medical) systems see stress as both a positive or a negative experience of the adrenal system. However, in the system of Ayurveda, stress is closely related to the three vital energies (or doshas) called vata, pitta and kapha. These doshas are the key to understanding the triggers behind your stress, and helping you to adopt a balanced lifestyle which will build up the intensity of your vitalityand your awareness, so that you can overcome your stress. To know more about your personal vata, pitta and kapha, please refer to the Self-diagnosis Chart on the What is Ayurveda page of this website. (Please make this a link)
Elizabeth was born and raised in Australia. She first came to the Vedic Yoga Centre in 2014, seeking a deeper experience of yoga. She found the combination of authentic teachings of vedic yoga and ayurveda so transformational that she has returned to the Vedic Yoga Centre in Rishikesh for at least six months each year to develop her spiritual growt... Read More